The Weeknd's Smile Secrets: Does He Have Veneers?

The Weeknd's Smile Secrets: Does He Have Veneers?

The Weeknd, known for his chart-topping hits and enigmatic persona, is a force in the music industry.

But lately, his transformation extends beyond his music—his smile has also undergone a noticeable change.

Fans have long adored his unique look, and some even miss his slightly crooked "bunny teeth." So, what's the deal? Did The Weeknd get veneers?

While Abel Tesfaye better known as The Weeknd hasn't officially confirmed it, many signs strongly suggest he's opted for veneers to achieve his new, ultra-perfect smile.

Let's take a closer look, with a little help from our resident smile expert, Dr. Emily Parker, DDS.

Fan Rumors & Speculations

  • Evidence suggests The Weeknd had slightly misaligned teeth, particularly two front teeth that were slightly larger than others.
  • Recent photos reveal perfectly straight, dazzlingly white teeth – a common result of veneers.
  • Fans are divided, some mourning his "bunny teeth," while others admire the new look.
  • Dental professionals on discussion forums weigh in, confirming the likelihood of veneers based on the change.

The Evidence for Veneers

Let's analyze the evidence suggesting that The Weeknd got veneers:

  • Before and After Contrast: The difference in The Weeknd's smile is striking! Previous photos showcase minor gaps and unevenness, while now he boasts a perfectly aligned, Hollywood-ready grin. While orthodontic work (like braces) can achieve alignment, it's less likely to cause that drastic a change in tooth shape and color.
  • Veneers and Celebrity Trends: Many celebrities opt for veneers to attain the ultimate "perfect smile." The Weeknd's new teeth align with this trend – they're exceptionally white, uniform in shape, and flawless. This aesthetic is very typical of high-end veneer work.
  • Expert Opinions: The comments from dental professionals on those fan forums hold weight. Anyone trained in spotting dental work likely agrees: veneers are the most plausible explanation for this kind of transformation. Even without knowing specifics, a dentist can identify the tell-tale signs.

Of course, as with many celebrity smile changes, we can't definitively say it's veneers without The Weeknd himself confirming it. But, the evidence leans heavily in that direction!

Where and When: The Details

While pinpointing the exact clinic or dentist Abel might have used is pure speculation, we can make some educated guesses based on the information available:

Being a major star, Abel likely sought out a top-rated cosmetic dentist.

This suggests practices in Los Angeles or New York, known for catering to celebrity clientele.

With a discerning eye and resources available, he likely chose a dentist with a proven track record and stunning results.

Online reviews and mentions in media outlets might offer clues if any specific names pop up in those fan discussions.

But, when did he got it done?

This is where fan speculation helps! Did the change happen suddenly, or gradually?

A sudden transformation aligns with getting veneers all at once. If tied to a break in his touring schedule, that could give us a timeframe to consider.

The Weeknd's Style: He's known for being meticulously detail-oriented about his image.

This suggests he would've been involved in the veneer design process, seeking a natural but dramatically enhanced look. A skilled cosmetic dentist would understand that.

Unfortunately, unless The Weeknd reveals the specifics, the "where" and "when" remain intriguing mysteries.

But, this speculation illustrates the thought process that often goes into major smile transformations in the entertainment industry.

The Cost of a Celebrity Smile

While the general cost of veneers can vary, it's safe to assume The Weeknd's smile makeover came with a hefty price tag.

Top-tier cosmetic dentists in major cities charge significantly more than average, and celebrity clients often receive the absolute best materials and expertise available.

This can easily push the cost of a full set of veneers into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Plus, stars like The Weeknd might opt for additional procedures alongside veneers.

Teeth whitening, minor gum contouring, or even subtle reshaping of the other teeth all contribute to that flawless final result, and these procedures each add to the cost.

Given The Weeknd's status and commitment to perfection, it's likely he didn't skimp when creating his new, dazzling smile.

Celebrity Smiles and the Pressure to be Perfect

It's no secret that the world of entertainment places immense pressure on celebrities to maintain a flawless appearance.

The constant scrutiny of social media, paparazzi, and the public eye can leave stars feeling like every perceived imperfection is magnified.

Unfortunately, this intense focus extends to their smiles.

While a naturally beautiful smile is attainable for anyone, celebrities often feel pushed to go beyond "good enough" aiming for absolute perfection as part of their brand image.

This pressure isn't new, but social media amplifies it significantly.

Comments from fans on The Weeknd's appearance, both positive and negative, illustrate this.

Even compliments about his new teeth can inadvertently reinforce the idea that the "old" ones weren't good enough.

This creates a difficult environment for stars who might otherwise be content with their natural features.

As a dentist, I see firsthand how these external pressures can impact someone's self-image.

When patients seek out cosmetic procedures, it's crucial to evaluate whether it stems from true self-improvement or a desire to conform to unattainable beauty standards.

High-profile cases like The Weeknd's raise an important ethical discussion for dentists about balancing a client's desire with what's truly in their best interest, both in terms of oral health and overall well-being.

Other Possibilities

While veneers are the most likely explanation, it's important to remember that other paths to a brighter, straighter smile exist.

Let's examine some alternatives that could potentially explain The Weeknd's transformation:

  • Teeth Whitening: Professional whitening treatments can drastically lift stains and brighten teeth by several shades. While it wouldn't change tooth shape, when combined with other minor fixes (like subtle bonding to even out edges), it can create a significantly improved look.
  • Minor Orthodontics: Less invasive orthodontic options, like clear aligners, might have been enough to address the slight misalignment seen in The Weeknd's previous smile. While less likely to account for the color change, it's not impossible.
  • Natural Changes: While subtle, teeth do shift and change over time. Good dental hygiene, a change in diet, and even the natural wear and tear of aging can slightly alter a smile's appearance.


Whether it's veneers or a different approach, The Weeknd's smile makeover is undeniable.

This analysis highlights the range of possibilities behind such a noticeable change.

It also reminds us that a beautiful smile isn't limited to those with perfect teeth. Good oral health, proper care, and a touch of professional help can go a long way.

While The Weeknd's new look may fuel the trend towards ultra-perfect smiles, it's important not to lose sight of the natural beauty and individuality that everyone's smile holds.