Kendall Vertes' Teeth: Veneers or All Natural?

Kendall Vertes' Teeth: Veneers or All Natural?

Kendall Vertes, best known for her time on the hit reality show "Dance Moms," has grown up in the spotlight.

Fans watched her blossom from a talented young dancer to a confident young woman, but her transformation hasn't been without scrutiny.

One of the most talked-about changes? Her smile.

While Vertes previously had braces, many fans now speculate she's enhanced her teeth with veneers.

While Kendall Vertes hasn't confirmed having veneers, evidence suggests she likely got them sometime after her braces were removed (post-2019). Changes in her tooth shape, size, and how light reflects off them point towards veneers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kendall Vertes had braces as a teenager to correct minor tooth alignment issues.
  • Evidence strongly suggests Vertes has veneers, likely obtained sometime after 2019.
  • Her potentially fuller, more uniformly shaped teeth are characteristic of veneers.
  • As a young star, Vertes faces immense pressure to maintain a perfect image, which can influence cosmetic decisions.

Kendall Vertes' Natural Teeth and Braces Journey

Before gracing our screens on "Dance Moms," a young Kendall Vertes already possessed a charming smile.

Early photos reveal her natural teeth were generally well-aligned, with prominent central incisors (the two front teeth) that contributed to a naturally radiant look.

However, like many teenagers, Vertes had minor orthodontic imperfections, with one lateral incisor positioned slightly behind the others.

Around 2017, Vertes began her braces journey, a common path for adolescents seeking to correct alignment issues and achieve a straighter smile.

Braces work by applying gentle, continuous pressure on teeth, gradually moving them into their desired positions over time.

Vertes' braces phase lasted for a couple of years, a typical duration for addressing such alignment concerns.

By 2019, Vertes had completed her orthodontic treatment, showing off a beautifully aligned smile.

However, newer photos and videos, particularly those from 2020 onwards, have sparked speculation about further dental enhancements.

The Impact of Reality TV and Social Media on Young Stars

Growing up under the constant scrutiny of reality television cameras and, later, the ever-watchful eyes of social media followers can take a toll on a young person's self-image and perception of beauty.

Kendall Vertes, like many young stars, has experienced this pressure firsthand.

From a young age, Vertes was exposed to an environment where appearance was often emphasized, with "Dance Moms" frequently showcasing the girls' preparations for competitions and performances, including hair, makeup, and costumes.

This emphasis on outward appearances, while intended to create a visually appealing performance, can unintentionally instill a sense of needing to conform to certain beauty standards.

As Vertes transitioned into adulthood and built her own social media presence, she encountered another layer of scrutiny.

Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are often saturated with images and videos of seemingly "perfect" individuals, setting unrealistic beauty standards that can be particularly challenging for young people still developing their sense of self.

This constant exposure to filtered perfection can fuel insecurities and create a desire to attain an unattainable ideal.

For young stars like Vertes, who are already navigating the complexities of adolescence and early adulthood in the public eye, the pressure to conform can feel immense, potentially influencing decisions about cosmetic enhancements, including dental work.

Analyzing Kendall Vertes' Possible Veneers (2019-Present)

While Kendall Vertes hasn't explicitly confirmed having veneers, recent photos and videos have fueled speculation amongst fans and fueled discussions on social media platforms.

Several observations point towards the likelihood of her having undergone this cosmetic procedure:

  • Tooth Shape and Size: Vertes' teeth now appear noticeably larger and more uniform in shape, particularly her central incisors. They have a more pronounced square shape, a characteristic often associated with veneers designed to create a picture-perfect smile.
  • Increased Whiteness and Light Reflection: Her teeth exhibit a brighter, almost unnaturally white shade, surpassing what's typically achievable with even professional teeth whitening alone. Furthermore, the way light reflects off her teeth suggests a smoother, more polished surface, which is consistent with the characteristics of porcelain veneers.
  • Possible "Incompetent Lip" Appearance: Some fans have pointed out that Vertes' upper lip seems to rest differently in recent photos, speculating she may have difficulty achieving a natural lip closure over her potentially larger teeth. This "incompetent lip" appearance can occur if veneers are too bulky, forcing the lips to work harder to close naturally.

Adding further fuel to the speculation are comments Vertes has made about her lips.

She's been open about getting lip fillers, a non-surgical procedure that adds volume and enhances shape.

While lip fillers themselves don't directly impact teeth, they can draw attention to the mouth area, making any changes in tooth size or shape more noticeable.

It's important to note that photo editing and filters, prevalent on social media, can distort perceptions of appearance.

However, the consistency of changes observed across multiple photos and videos, combined with fan and expert observations, strengthens the case for Vertes having veneers.

The Potential Downside of Veneers at a Young Age

While veneers have become an increasingly popular cosmetic dental procedure, their suitability for younger individuals, especially those still in their late teens or early twenties, is a topic that warrants careful consideration.

While we can't definitively say when Kendall Vertes may have gotten veneers, the potential downsides of this procedure at a young age apply:

1. Permanence and the Need for Replacements: Veneers are a long-term commitment. Once placed, they require ongoing maintenance and will eventually need to be replaced, potentially multiple times throughout a person's lifetime. This means that a decision made at a young age, when aesthetic preferences and facial features are still evolving, could have lasting implications.

2. Potential for Regret: As with any cosmetic procedure, there's always a risk of regret, particularly when undertaken at a young age. What might seem like a desirable change in one's late teens or early twenties might not align with aesthetic preferences later in life.

3. Underlying Issues Remain Unaddressed: While veneers can mask imperfections, they don't address the root cause of dental concerns. For instance, if someone opts for veneers to conceal teeth grinding (bruxism) without addressing the underlying issue, they could damage their veneers or experience other dental problems.

4. Ethical Considerations: In the case of individuals under 18, there are ethical considerations surrounding consent and the potential influence of external pressures on decision-making.

The decision to get veneers, particularly at a young age, is a deeply personal one.

It's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the long-term implications, ensuring the decision aligns with individual values, goals, and overall well-being.

Bottom Line

Kendall Vertes' journey from "Dance Moms" to social media influencer has unfolded in the public eye, with her appearance, particularly her teeth, becoming a topic of speculation.

While she hasn't publicly confirmed having veneers, the evidence suggests she likely opted for this procedure sometime after completing her braces treatment.

Whether or not she's had dental work, Vertes' story highlights the immense pressure young stars face to conform to often unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by reality television and social media.

The decision to undergo cosmetic procedures, especially at a young age, is personal and complex, requiring careful consideration of potential benefits and drawbacks.

Ultimately, the most important takeaway is the importance of prioritizing oral health, making informed decisions, and embracing the beauty of individuality, whether that involves enhancing features or confidently rocking a natural look.