Tana Mongeau's Tooth Trouble: Veneers or Crowns?

Tana Mongeau's Tooth Trouble: Veneers or Crowns?

Tana Mongeau, the social media influencer, has been open about her dental journey.

But recent incidents involving her teeth have caused a stir online, with many questioning whether she's dealing with veneers or crowns.

Tana Mongeau's dental issues are most likely related to dental crowns, not veneers. This distinction is crucial as crowns are designed for more compromised teeth and are more prone to issues like popping out, unlike veneers which are bonded to the surface.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tana Mongeau's teeth appear to have been treated with dental crowns, not veneers.
  • Crowns are designed for more compromised teeth and can be more prone to problems like popping out.
  • Supergluing teeth is highly discouraged and can lead to further damage and infection.
  • It's essential to consult with a qualified dentist for any dental issues, avoiding DIY fixes.

Deciphering Tana's Dental Dilemma

Tana Mongeau's dental journey has been anything but smooth sailing.

From a veneer seemingly popping out while filming to a crown needing superglue intervention, her experiences have caught the attention of fans and sparked a debate about veneers vs. crowns.

But what's the difference, and how does it relate to Tana's situation?

Tana has been open about her desire for a perfect smile, and the common misconception about her dental procedures seems to stem from a lack of understanding between veneers and crowns.

One of the key elements that point towards crowns is the fact that a portion of her natural tooth was shaved down to accommodate the crown, which is typical for a crown prep but not for veneers.

Veneers are typically applied to the surface of a tooth without needing significant tooth reduction.

Another clue?

Her teeth have been observed popping out or falling out. Veneers are much more securely bonded to the surface of the teeth, making them much less likely to come loose.

Crowns, on the other hand, are meant to be cemented onto the tooth and can sometimes become dislodged, especially if they're not properly fitted.

However, we can't definitively conclude without seeing Tana's actual dental records.

So, while it seems likely that Tana has opted for crowns instead of veneers, let's delve deeper into the differences between these two procedures to understand why this distinction is crucial.

The Difference Between Veneers and Crowns: A Tale of Two Dental Procedures

Let's clear up the confusion and explore the differences between veneers and crowns, as it's important to understand the distinctions between these two common dental procedures.


Think of veneers as a thin, custom-made shell that is bonded to the front surface of a tooth. They are used primarily for aesthetic purposes, like:

  • Improving the appearance of discolored, chipped, or uneven teeth.
  • Closing gaps between teeth.
  • Creating a more symmetrical and balanced smile.


Crowns are designed to cover the entire tooth, essentially acting like a "cap." They are typically used when a tooth is:

  • Severely damaged or decayed.
  • Has a large filling or a weakened structure.
  • Has undergone root canal treatment.

Here's a quick breakdown of the key differences:

CoverageFront surface of the toothEntire tooth
Tooth ReductionMinimalSignificant
PurposePrimarily aestheticPrimarily restorative
DurabilityLess durableMore durable
CostGenerally less expensiveGenerally more expensive

Now that we've established the difference, let's explore the impact of social media on dental choices.

The Impact of Social Media on Dental Choices

Tana Mongeau's dental woes are a perfect example of how social media can influence our perception of beauty standards and dental procedures.

With the rise of influencers and celebrities showcasing their perfect smiles, there's a growing pressure to achieve that "ideal" look.

Social media platforms have become a virtual runway for showcasing teeth, and the constant exposure to dazzling smiles can make people feel self-conscious about their own.

This can lead to a desire to pursue cosmetic dental procedures like veneers and crowns to achieve a similar look.

However, it's crucial to remember that social media often presents a curated version of reality. It's important to:

  • Focus on your own unique smile: Everyone has a unique smile, and embracing its natural beauty is key to feeling confident.
  • Consult with a qualified dentist: Get expert advice before making any decisions about dental procedures. They can help you understand the benefits, risks, and costs associated with each option.
  • Be realistic about expectations: Social media can create unrealistic expectations about dental outcomes. It's essential to have open and honest conversations with your dentist to set realistic goals.

As we continue to navigate the digital world, it's essential to maintain a healthy balance between social media trends and making informed decisions about our own oral health.

Cost and Consequences of Dental Crowns

So, we've established that Tana Mongeau's dental issues are likely related to crowns. Now, let's talk about the cost and consequences of this procedure.

Crowns can be a significant investment, and the price can vary depending on:

  • Material: Crowns are typically made of porcelain, ceramic, or gold. Porcelain crowns are often preferred for their aesthetic appeal, closely mimicking the appearance of natural teeth.
  • Number of Crowns: The cost increases with the number of crowns you need.
  • Dentist's Experience: Top dentists often charge higher fees for their expertise and experience.
  • Location: Crowns can cost more in urban areas where the cost of living is higher.

While crowns are durable and can last for many years, they are not without potential risks and complications. These can include:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: A crown can sometimes cause sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods.
  • Crown Dislodgement: As we've seen with Tana, crowns can sometimes become dislodged, especially if they are not properly fitted or if there are issues with the underlying tooth.
  • Gum Recession: Gum recession can occur around the crown, exposing the tooth and making it more susceptible to decay.

So, while crowns can be a good solution for restoring damaged or compromised teeth, it's important to weigh the cost, benefits, and risks before making a decision.

The Risks of Superglue and DIY Dental Fixes

Tana Mongeau's decision to use superglue on her crown was a risky move.

While the quick fix might have seemed like a solution at the moment, it's crucial to understand that DIY dental interventions are highly discouraged.

Superglue is not intended for use in the mouth, and applying it to teeth can have serious consequences, such as:

  • Tissue Irritation: Superglue can irritate the soft tissues in your mouth, leading to pain, swelling, and even ulcers.
  • Chemical Toxicity: The fumes from superglue can be toxic, especially when inhaled.
  • Tooth Damage: Superglue can damage the enamel of your teeth and make them more susceptible to decay.
  • Increased Risk of Infection: Superglue can trap bacteria in the mouth, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Difficulty Removing: Superglue can be difficult to remove from teeth, requiring a dentist to carefully remove it to prevent further damage.

The Bottom Line: Always Seek Professional Help

If you experience a dental emergency like a loose crown, it's essential to seek professional help immediately.

A dentist can assess the situation, properly re-cement the crown, or suggest other appropriate treatment options.

Don't risk your oral health by attempting to fix dental problems yourself. It's always best to consult with a qualified dentist to ensure your safety and well-being.

A Reminder About Professional Dental Care

Tana Mongeau's dental journey has been a rollercoaster ride, highlighting the importance of making informed decisions about dental procedures and the dangers of DIY fixes.

While crowns can be a viable option for restoring damaged teeth, it's crucial to consult with a qualified dentist to ensure proper fitting and avoid complications.

Social media can influence our perception of dental beauty standards, but it's important to remember that every smile is unique.

Focus on your own natural smile and seek professional guidance for any dental concerns or aspirations.

Remember, when it comes to your oral health, always trust the experts and prioritize professional dental care.

I hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into the world of veneers and crowns, as well as the potential pitfalls of DIY dental fixes.

If you have any questions or would like to explore other celebrity dental stories, feel free to reach out!